The Multimedia Membership Journey - Recruit, Retain, Re-engage

Your members are the life-blood of your association. They are relying on you to provide them with rich relevant, entertaining educational content. They are  also expecting you to provide this content in a manner that is easy to consume, visually appealing, and mobile friendly. 

Why not spend 60-minute with WorkerBee.TV President, Dan Stevens on September 12th at 3:00pm eastern where you will learn how multimedia is being used to build, retain and re-engage members.  

Highlights from the webinar include:

•  90% of your members are visual learners. Edu-tain them with video.
•  Learn how hybridized learning is changing everything. 
•  Members want to push the easy-button for content. Give them the power to engage!
Click here to sign up today.
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P.S. This webinar is eligible for 1 CAE Credit!
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